
What to expect

“Where you think it is – it ain't”; in other words, the place where it hurts is not necessarily the source of the problem.”

-Ida Rolf

The Anatomy Trains Structural Integration process has 12 separate and progressive sessions, although the actual number you need may vary. To begin these sessions, your practitioner will talk over your history and help you set realistic goals for the process. The practitioner may take pictures of your body posture to have a record of where you started; or may just examine your postural pattern with you in front of a mirror.

Most structural integration sessions are done in undergarments or a bathing suit. Your comfort is paramount, but we need to get directly to the tissues that are restricting the free flow of movement. Much of the session work is done on a treatment table, though some moves are done on a bench or even standing.

Each session begins with a chat to check-in on what you are experiencing in your body. We will talk about what you have noticed that’s new, how the previous session has settled into your system, and how much your awareness has increased.

From there, we will take a few minutes to thoroughly body read and use movement tests to see how each joint is moving in relation to the other. We call this mapping the body.  This process gives the practitioner the ability to observe the body 360˚, how you move in gravity and what you perceive in that movement (i.e. proprioception) and what areas draw your awareness.

Then we proceed with the session by relating what we have seen and what we feel while working the specific territories relating to the session map. This is where we start to shape the change - this is the hands-on work. This can last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. You’ll be an active participant during the session, as the practitioner will call for movement and will have you stand and walk around. This will help you absorb and sort through the changes that are taking place in your system. Each session will always end with integration work to help bring together the changes that have occurred throughout the session.

Finally, we will work with you in sitting, standing, and walking to help you feel grounded and integrated before you leave the office. An important part of each session is making sure that you have practical tools to explore and integrate the changes we evoked during the session in your everyday life.

The sessions range from 60-90 minutes in duration.

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